Word Counter Online: A tool for counting words and characters in text

Word and Character Counter in Text

Character Count :0
Character Count (excluding spaces) :0
Word Count :0
Paragraph Count :0

What is a Free Word Count Tool?

The Word Counter Online tool is developed to facilitate counting words and characters in text via the web without the need for third-party applications or installing external software.

The tool will display the total number of words in the text as soon as you start typing. It will automatically count words and characters without spaces and show the number clearly and prominently, indicating the total words, characters, and paragraphs.

Features of the Word Counter Tool in Text

The Word Counter tool works for Arabic and English texts, calculating the total number of words in paragraphs. It is aimed at people who read e-books or create textual content online and want to know the total word count after writing.

Below the box, you'll get an overview of the content you're writing, the novel or books you're reading, so you can know the actual page size, characters, and words contained in the texts in Arabic and English.

What is the Difference Between Word Count and Character Count in Text?

To calculate the number of words and characters in text, you need to know the difference between characters and words. Each word consists of several characters, which are in turn the basic components of a sentence. Therefore, we provide you with an online word count tool to determine the number of words in large texts that are difficult to count.

For example, when we write Hello, the word count is 2 and the character count is 7, together forming a compound text or sentence.

How to Use the Word Counter Tool in Arabic and English Texts

We want to provide the necessary assistance to writers and readers online, so we created this web tool that allows you to count words in Arabic and English texts online. All you need is an internet connection.

  1. Copy the text or sentences and paste them into the box at the top.
  2. The word count, character count, and total paragraphs in the pasted texts will be calculated.
  3. Insert more texts in the designated place if you want to count a larger number of words in English and Arabic.